In 1972, Misaki, a well-known 3-3 student from Yomiyama North Middle School, suddenly died during the school year. Annoyed by the loss, students and teachers behaved like Misaki while still alive, which led to a strange presence in the graduation picture. In the spring of 1998, Kōichi Sakakibara moved on to Yomiyama's 3-3 class, where he met Mei Misaki, a quiet student who seemed to be ignored by her classmates and teachers. Soon the class is caught up in a strange phenomenon when students and their relatives begin to die in horrific ways. Realizing that this death is related to the "1972 Misaki", an annual tragedy that has plagued all classes 3-3 since 1972, Kōichi and Mei want to find out how to stop it before it kills their classmates or classmates.